Episode 190: The Leftovers, Season 2

It has come to this: the resolution of the mystery of the missing girls, the fulfillment of the plans of Meg, the fallout from Kevin's sleepwalking and his travels to the purgatory hotel he wanders through, and a song that calls the dead back home. We can only be talking about the stunning conclusion to THE LEFTOVERS, Season 2. After a brief detour through our own exploration of the songs we would want to sing to reclaim our families, we unpack the powerful season finale, its multiple narrative payoffs and gut-punches, and the devastation doled out to the once miraculous town of Jarden, Texas. We then dissect the much more difficult question this season posed, "Why are we losing?"; and in our hopeful and haunted attempts to be honest about what our faith is really telling us, we explore what it might mean if the answer is, "Because we are supposed to."

This is a conversation you won't want to miss and we hope you enjoy it.
