Episode 232: The Lost Boys

Time to get totally righteous dudes and dudettes because we're back for another 80s Party featuring Santa Clara's best (oily saxophone) and worst (those $&#*@ vampires) as we invite Dave Courtney, Ian Olson, and Jackson Harper onto the show to discuss Joel Schumacher's THE LOST BOYS on this installment of #thoseFoGgin80s. After another brief stopover in Hawkins again for episodes 3 & 4 of STRANGER THINGS Season 3, we dive right in to this stylish vampire classic of the 80s, have a lot of laughs, and also find the time to observe how easy it can be to normalize yourself to some pretty dangerously abnormal things.

It's a wild ride on the special shelf of the fridge this week. We had a lot of fun recording it and we hope you have a lot of fun listening to it.