
(Listen to a mini-episode describing the series above.)

For 2021’s content, we want to accomplish two things: First, we'd like to further solidify one of our key philosophical tenets; and second, we want to get the listeners -- that means YOU -- involved in a fun and substantial way.

So this year's umbrella series, manifesting in two parts, is...

What Scares Us and What Saves Us

These partnered themes have split the year, with the first half of 2021 spent learning What Scares Us.

Now it’s time to find out What Saves Us. Reminder, though: this will NOT work without your participation.

Below is a form. For you. We want to know what saves you. What movie(s) (or even books or shows) sticks in your psyche as one that teaches you more about yourself, as one that contributes to your wholeness, as one that has helped you better love your neighbor, your enemy … in short, what films are “saving you now”? Fill out the form, tell us what that material is and why it holds that place for you? Whatever you want to tell us, we want to hear it.

And like What Scares Us, if you want to use this form to pitch material we haven't already covered, here's your chance! Just make sure the material is accessible (no obscure, out-of-print, laserdisc-only films) and digestible (that 7-season TV show is probably awesome and we'd love to hear about it, but it's unlikely we'd cover it as part of this). Who knows, maybe you'll even get invited to share a bit about your selections on the show and share your story...

Welcome to What Saves Us, where perhaps more than ever what live out fearing nothing else and being on our way rejoicing…